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Staðfestan av møguligum sinnissjúkuelvandi ílegum


August G. Wang

Odense Universitets Hospital

Aðrir luttakarar:
Hans Atli Dahl, biologur. Granskari, KKA, Odense Universitetshospital
Henrik Ewald, professari, Risskov
Ole Mors, professari, Institut for Biologisk Psykiatri, Risskov
Marlene Lauritsen, do
Thomas Dam Als, do
Mette Nyegaard, do

1.6. 2002 - 31.12.2004

Samlaður kostnaður:

Stuðul úr Granskingargrunninum:
450.000 kr.

Original decription:
Verkætlanin er partur av størri ætlan har leitað verður eftir møguligum ílegum (genum), sum kunnu hava týdning innan sinnisligar sjúkur. Sum genetiskt isolat skuldi verið møguleikar at funnið umráði við møguligum ílegum (genum) skjótari í Føroyum, enn í londum við meira fjølbroyttum fólkasløgum.

Ætlanin er eitt samstarv millum føroyingar og danir.

Higartil eru savnaðar blóðroyndir frá fólki innan 5 sjúkur og kontrolbólki, somikið at kanningarnar kunnu fara fram. Drálað hevur verið við at savna alt ov nógv tilfar, inntil tað ber til at gera ein størri part í Føroyum. Kliniski parturin, sum er beinleiðis knýttir at sjúklinginum, fer fram í Føroyum. Blóðroyndir og uppreinsan av blóðroyndum fer fram í Føroyum, men enn hava føroyingar onga ílegustarvsstovu, so føroyski biologurin arbeiðir niðri saman við donsku biologunum.

Úrslitini higartil týða uppá, at tað ber til at finna øki á kromosomunum, sum eru verd at kanna nærri. Higartil eru tvinnar greinir , posters og fyrilestrar góðkendir á alheims ráðstevnum.

Final report
The project’s aim is to identify genes of possible importance for panic disorder. This is part of a greater project concerning psychiatric disorders and genetics, a cooperation between Dep. of psychiatry, Faroe Islands, and the Danish institutions HS Amager, Copenhagen University Hospital, Institute of Biological Psychiatry, Risskov and Dep. of Genetics, Odense University Hospital, Odense.
In the panic disorder study about 15 patients participate along with their family. Also about 75 control persons participate. The study is in principle a association study, but of a special type, called ‘haplotype sharing’. This should be suited for genetic isolates with patients, related to a common ancestor about 10 - 12 generations back. So far, we have performed a genome scan with about 500 markers. From this study, certain areas have emerged as especially interesting.
These areas are now a concern for further study; especially areas on chromosomes 4 and 17.


Wang AG, Vang M, Mors O, Nuegaard M, Kruse TA, Ewald H. Human population Genetics in the Faroe Island. Ann Soc Sci Far 1998; 46: 9-16.

Ewald H, Vang AG, Vang M, Mors O, Nyegaard M, Kruse TA. A haplotype- based study of lithium responding patients with bipolar disorder on the Fare Island. Psychiatric Genetics 1999; 9: 23-34.

Dahl, HA, Wang AG, Vang M, Østerø AE, Degn B, Mors O, Joensen S, Nyegaard M, Kruse TA, Ewald H. Search for susceptibility foci on selected chromosomes from patients with mental disorders on the Faroe Islands. Ann Soc Sci Far 2001; 48: 55-60.

Degn B, Lundorff MD, Wang AG, Vang M, Mors O, Kruse TA, Ewald H. Further evidence for a bipolar risk gene on chromosome 12Q24 suggested by investigation of haplotype sharing and allelic association in patients from the Faroe Islands. Molecular Psychiatry. 2001; 6: 450-455.

Jorgensen TH, Degn B, Wang AG, Vang M, Gurling H, Kalsi G, McQuillian A, Kruse TA, Mors O, Ewald H. Linkage disequilibrium and demographic history of the isolated population of the Faroe Islands. Eur J Hum Genet. 2002 Jun: 10(6): 381-7.

Jorgensen TH, Borglum AD, Mors O, Wang AG, Pinaud M, Flint TJ, Dahl HA, Vang M, Kruse TA, Ewald H. Search for common haplotypes on chromosome 22q in patients with schizophrenia or bipolar disorder from the Faroe Islands. Am J. Med Genet. 2002 Mar 8; 114(2): 245-252.

Ewald H, Flint TJ, Jorgensen TH, Wang AG, Jensen P, Vang M, Mors O, Kruse TA. Search for a shared segment on chromosome 10q26 in patients with bipolar affective disorder or schizophrenia from the Faroe Islands. Am J Med Genet. 2002 Mar 8; 114(2): 196-204.

Als TD, Dahl HA, Flindt TJ, Wang AG, Vang M, Mors O, Kruse TA, Ewald H. Possible evidence for a common risk locus for bipolar affective disorder and schizophrenia on chromosome 4p16 in patients from the Faroe Islands. Mol Psychiatry 2004 9(1): 93-98.

Jorgensen TH, Buttenschon H, Wang AG, Børglum A, Mors O, Kruse TA, Ewald H. The origin of the isolated population of the Faroe Islands using Y chromosomal markers. Human Genetics 2004, online publication 9. April.

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