Játtað í: 2008 Granskingarøki: Náttúra og -tilfeingi Verkætlanarslag: Verkætlan Verkætlanarheiti: Ongoing breeding experiment of the great scallop (Pecten maximus) and examination of prospects of farming the species in the Faroes Játtanarnummar: 0906 Verkætlanarleiðari: Ámundur Nolsø Stovnur/virki: Havlívfrøðiliga Royndarstøðin í Kaldbak Verkætlanarskeið: 2006-2010 Stuðul úr Granskingargrunninum: 88.332 kr. Verkætlanarlýsing: From 22-24 August 2007 Fiskivinnuskúlin in Vestmanna in co-operation with P/F Thor conducted an expedition to the Faroebank, primarily with a view to collect live specimens of the great scallop (Pecten maximus) and bring them ashore for further investigation. The survey proved successful in collecting 85 specimens, of which about 50 survived the handling and transportation to the Biological laboratory in Kaldbak. They are now being temporary storage in submerged cages. The past year Biological laboratory in Kaldbak has established a floating seawater laboratory, and together with a 2007 financial support from the Faroese Research Council, and cooperation with Norwegian researchers, there is basis for breeding the species. The scheduled project can be divided into two phases: Phase 1: Runs over a period of about a year, during which the objective is to breed spat and juveniles from the collected great scallops to a size of 15mm, when the specimens are likely to survive a transfer to farming cages/nets at sea. Phase 2: Spans from year 2 trough year 4. During this period the bred specimens will be farmed on selected localities and monitored regarding growth and survival, hence it should be possible to estimate whether the species is qualifies for farming in the Faroes. Støða: Liðug Avrik: The main results of the King scallop project from 2006 to 2010 are: - It is possible to keep Kingscallop in captivity nearshore in the Faroe islands. - It is, though, recommended to perform further tests with various caging solutions in order to attain minimum loss in the breeding stock. - It is possible, in the Faroe Islands, to obtain large amounts of eggs and sperm from spawning King scallop in captivity. - It is recommended to perform tests, that define physical needs/demands, that are decisive/critical for the mature….og king scallops in captivity. This project indicates that depth and location may determine wether the scallop allocates energy to eggs and sperm. - Almost all riped eggs were fertilised. - Algae media was produced with success. - Four different algae monocultures for scallop spat were produced with success. - It has not, in captivity, been posible to determine the growtrate of King scallop from spat to marked size. The result from the project indicates, that with proper knowledge, there are perspectives for commercial breeding of King scallop in the Faroe Islands. << Back |
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