Játtað í: 2022 Granskingarøki: MARiNAO Verkætlanarslag: Ph.d. verkætlan Verkætlanarheiti: ClimeFishLink - Linking 80 years of variation in fish growth to climatic effects on food webs, temperature and field metabolic rates using otolith microchemistry Játtanarnummar: 8015 Verkætlanarleiðari: Peter Grønkjær Stovnur/virki: Aarhus Universitet Aðrir luttakarar: Anna Beatrice Neuheimer, Petur Steingrund, Sólvá Jacobsen Verkætlanarskeið: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2026 Samlaður kostnaður: kr. 3.671.476 Stuðul úr Granskingargrunninum: kr. 2.844.921 Verkætlanarlýsing: Fluctuations in the biomass of harvested fish populations have large ecological, economic and societal consequences. Good predictions of environmentally driven changes in productivity of the populations will improve our ability to avoid overfishing and contribute to a sustainable management. The ClimefishLink project will capitalize on the newest developments in otolith analysis and create up to 80-year long chronologies of Faroe Plateau cod and haddock growth, isotopic diet signatures, experienced temperature and field metabolic rates. With these, we aim to identify the main oceanographic drivers of variation demersal fish growth. We will take it one-step further than state-of-art and use the isotope chronologies to explore how the two proximate causes of variation in growth, variation in food intake and metabolic expenditure, have changed over time in response to oceanographic variability. We will explore chronologies using state-of-art statistical approaches and integrate the results into a bioenergetics model of cod and haddock growth forced by environmental conditions to provide predictions of growth under different conditions. ClimefishLink will train 1 PhD and 2 MSc-students and contribute to capacity building, knowledge sharing, scientific excellence and generation of knowledge on marine processes related to the Greenland-Iceland-Faroe-Scotland Ridge. Støða: Virkin Avrik: See more here << Back |
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