Játtað í: 2021 Granskingarøki: Náttúra og tilfeingi Verkætlanarslag: Verkætlan Verkætlanarheiti: Stovnsbýti og vistfrøðiligur leikluturin hjá hýsu (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) á Føroyska Landgrunninum og Føroyabanka Játtanarnummar: 0462 Verkætlanarleiðari: Helga Bára Mohr Vang Stovnur/virki: Havstovan Aðrir luttakarar: Dr. Petur Steingrund, Professor Peter Grønkjær Verkætlanarskeið: 01/01/2022 - 31/12/2025 Samlaður kostnaður: kr. 4.309.800 Stuðul úr Granskingargrunninum: kr. 350.000 Verkætlanarlýsing: Summary of project. The main aim of this project is to investigate distribution, growth, maturation and feeding ecology of haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) in Faroese waters, to evaluate its role and importance for the Faroe Plateau and Faroe Bank ecosystems and investigate how variations and trends in the ocean climate has interacted with haddocks’ survival and productivity. These findings will be related to available biological and physical time series in the North Atlantic to investigate if haddock’s stock fluctuation can be used as an indicator for environmental fluctuations in the area and if these findings can contribute to further development of ecosystem based management for demersal stock in Faroese waters. Furthermore, findings will be used to validate methods and assumptions in stock assessment of haddock in Faroese waters, to ensure optimal management. Støða: Fór ikki í gongd << Back |
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