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Samstarvandi læruhættir og ávirkan teirra á næmingar, læring, úrslit og ósemjuhandfaring: Ein kvantitativ og kvalitativ kanning av verksetan og eftirmeting av bretsku SPRinG verkætlanini i einum føroyskum høpi.


Andriása Dam Joensen

UCL Institute of Education í London

Aðrir luttakarar:
Dr. Ed Baines, Prof. Peter Blatchford


Samlaður kostnaður:

Stuðul úr Granskingargrunninum:

Collaborative learning methods and effects on pupil learning, achievement and conflict management: A quantitative and qualitative investigation into the application and evaluation of the UK SPRinG (Social Pedagogic Research into Group-work) project in a Faroese context.

This between subjects quasi-experimental, pre-test post-test design study will investigate the effect of a relational group training intervention, (duration: 1 school year) using principles and material from the UK SPRinG (Baines et al, 2009) programme. The study will seek to systematically examine pupils’ progress over a full school year, and in comparison to a control group in terms of academic attainment, quality of group work interaction and conflict management.

Video observations, teacher and pupil interviews and pupil attainment will be conducted before and after the intervention and will be analysed via quantitative and qualitative components. Furthermore additional attainment tests will be conducted twice subsequent to the intervention as this will serve to examine the effects in a longitudinal perspective.

This may help to increase the perceived pedagogic value of group work as a potential to increase not only social cohesion, as has been argued to be a main reason for the use of group work (Barron, 2003), but also subject knowledge and academic achievement. Additionally this would provide valuable and much needed insight into classroom interactions, which is essential in order to clarify, extend and elaborate recent research findings from the limited number of educational studies in the Faroe Islands.

Furthermore, it is a central aim underpinning the PhD project to contribute to the limited body of educational research in the Faroe Islands, and to strengthen the empirical base underpinning pedagogical practice in Faroese schools. The PhD applicant has together with researchers at the Department of Education made plans to become an active part of the research environment at the University of Faroe Islands. Efforts will be made to involve students studying at the Department of Education in the research process and to contextualize the study and its findings within a wider frame of current research undertaken by researchers at the Department of Education. It is imagined that this will enable stronger connections between theory and practice.


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