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Saccharina latissima (Breiðbløðkutur sukurtari) frá spora til borðisk: hvussu árstíð, tøðsølt og aldu/streym eksponering ávirka góðsku og vøkstur


Agnes Mols Mortensen

Tari - Faroe Seaweed

Aðrir luttakarar:
Øystein Patursson, Knud Simonsen, Gunnvør á Norði, Arni Petersen, Eilif Gaard, Eirikur á Húsamørk, Leif Sørensen, Rósa Jónsdóttir, Jorunn Skjermo, Jóhanna á Tjaldafløtti

Original: 1.4.2015-31.7.2017
Final:01.04. 2015 – 31.12.2020

Stuðul úr Granskingargrunninum:
645.752 kr.

Macroalgae are photosynthesizing organisms that occur in the intertidal and shallow subtidal zones of the rocky shores around the world. The interest in exploiting macroalgae as a resource for food and other purposes in increasing in the western world including the Faroe Islands, and a future sustainable macroalgal industry must be based on cultivation rather than wild harvest. The research of this project will focus on gaining insights into the food quality and growth of the brown algal species Saccharina latissimacultivated in the Faroe Islands based on the following questions:

i) what is the food quality and food potential of S. latissimacultivated in the Faroe Islands, with regard to both food safety and culinary uses?

ii) how will seasonal changes, nutrient availability and current/wave exposure affect growth and the chemical, microbiological, nutritional and bioactive quality in the cultivated S. latissima?

iii) how will different drying processes affect the food quality of the raw material?

iv) how willdifferent culinary processes affect the raw material? From this project we hope to gain an essential knowledge-based foundation that will enable a novel macroalgal industry to develop in the Faroe Islands.

Due to a number of challenges the project has been much delayed. However the extended project period has also added new angles and collaborations to the project. Overall the work carried out in “Saccharina latissima (Alaria esculenta) from spore to dinner plate: effects of seasonal variation, nutrient availability and current/wave exposure on quality and growth” together with results from collaborative projects has provided basic insights into factors that impact cultivation of Alaria esculenta and other seaweed species in the Faroe Islands. Nitrate concentration in the seawater on both the sheltered and exposed location on Kaldbaksfjørður is very high during autumn and winther and drops significantly in April. Although the nitrate concentration is much lower during spring and summer compared to autumn and winter, nitrate is still available for growth. The yield is found to be significantly higher at the exposed location compared to the sheltered location on Kaldbaksfjørður. The quality of the cultivated A. esculenta changes over the summer and biofouling organisms that develop on the seaweed surface are a major cause in quality drop. Based on the results from the food quality scoring system the quality changes during the month of June. Eventhough nutrients are available for growth and biomass can increase over the summer one of the main conclusions is that the seaweed crop needs to be harvested in early June to maintain a high food quality.


Scientific articles, books, thesis etc.

MSc Thesis:
Koester, J. A. Trying to grow like a weed: The impact of partial harvest on Alaria esculenta yield, quality and cost. MSc Thesis 2022.

Ortind, E. G. Seasonal variation in growth, yield and amino acid profile in sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) cultivated in a sound in the Faroe Islands. MSc Thesis 2015.

Østerø, S. L., Erenbjerg, S. V., Johannesen, T. T., Olsen, E. L. and á Norði, G. (2022). Fjarðarannsókn: Kaldbaksfjørður. Fiskaalings rit 2022-03.

Scientific articles :

Bak, U.G., Mols-Mortensen, A. and Gregersen, Ó. (2018). Production Method and cost of commercial-scale offshore cultivation of kelp in the Faroe Islands using multiple partial harvesting. Algal Research 33: 36-47.

Mols-Mortensen, A., Ortind, E. á.G., Jacobsen, C. and Holdt, S.L. (2017). Variation in growth, yield and protein concentrations in Saccharina latissima (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) cultivated with different wave and current exposures in the Faroe Islands. Journal of Applied Phycology 29: 227-2286.

Oral presentations:

SW-Grow seminar “The fundamentals setting up a hatchery a practical perspective”; online June 2021. 3rd Seaweed4Health conference “Biologically sustainable production of high quality seaweed products for food, feed and lumpfish shelters”; online May 2021.

ALGET2 seminar “Alaria esculenta from spore to dinner plate: growth, food safety, components and food quality”; online March 2020.

EUPA seminar; Sustainable Arctic “From spore to finished product – the entire production value chain in the local area”; Brussels, March 2019.

BlåBioNorge “The Nordic Seaweed Adventure- from idealism to industry”; Stavanger, November 2018

Publications outside the scientific community, i.e. lectures, periodicals, articles in newspapers, television and radio:

Articles in newspapers and magazines:
“Die Zukunft ist glitschig” by Andrea Jeska, Birgitte, Issue 19/2018.

“Forests underwater” by Rachel Jonas, Boat Magazine, issue 12/2017.

“Meer Wert” by Patrick Bauer, Suddeutche Zeitung Magazine, nr. 2/2017.

Oral presentations:

Tvøroyrar Skúli, March 2019.

Seminar: Tari til matna, Slow Food Føroyar, iNOVA, March 2019.

Oral presentation: á Grynnuni, May 2019.

Oral presentation: Skúlin á Fløtum, May 2019.

Oral presentation: DIS Study Abroad in Scandinavia, June 2019.

Oral presentation: Vísindavøka á ferð, September 2019.

Seminar: Tari til matna, Moldmentan, Húsarhaldsskúli Føroya, October 2019.

Oral presentation: Serbreytin á Glasi, November 2019.

White Guide Trend Seminar, Copenhagen ; November 2018

Tilfeingisbasarur, Miðnám í Vestmanna, September 2018

Umhvørvisvika á Tvøroyri, May 2018

á Grynnuni, Tórshavn ; May 2018

Storage and access rights til collected data:

Data is stored in TARI’s Dropbox and on Fiskaaling’s intranet. Data can be made available by contacting the project manager Agnes Mols Mortensen (agnes@tari.fo).

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