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Persónleiki hjá rognkelsum (Cyclopterus lumpus) og hvussu hesin ávirkar teirra nyttu sum reinsifiskur.


Ása Johannesen


Aðrir luttakarar:
Jonhard Eysturskarð, Kirstin Eliasen, Birna Højsted, Hóraldur Joensen, Ben Whittaker, Nakita E. Joensen, Jóhanna Jacobsen.

Original 01.06.2014-31.05.2016
Revised 01.12.2014-31.12.2020

Samlaður kostnaður:
1.302.000 kr.

Stuðul úr Granskingargrunninum:
651.000 kr.

The farming of Atlantic Salmon in the North Atlantic region has grown rapidly in the past few years. It is now reaching carrying capacity due to space restrictions as well as limitations imposed by pathogens due to the high intensity of farming. One particular problem common to most salmon farmers in the North Atlantic is that of sea lice (Lepeophtheirus salmonis). These are external parasites that consume mucus, scales and even skin of salmon causing wounds and in rare cases mortality in salmon cages.

Salmon farmers make extensive use of chemotherapeutants to rid salmon of lice, but one of the greatest problems facing salmon farmers is that of salmon lice becoming resistant to treatments faster than new ones enter the market. One alternative is adding cleaner fish to salmon cages, which consume the salmon lice and this approach has been successful in e.g. Scotland, Ireland and Norway.Unfortunately, the most successful cleaner fish species known are not native to the Faroe Islands and do not cope well with the cold waters of Iceland, Northern Norway and the Faroe Islands. A potential alternative is the lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus). Pilot studies on the Faroe Islands and in Norway indicate that lumpfish do clean salmon to some extent. However, little is known about the behaviour of lumpfish and data so far indicates that only approximately one third of all lumpfish clean.

This study will investigate the cleaning efficiency of lumpfish in large scale salmon farm trials as well as whether behavioural syndromes or personality can be related to cleaning efficiency. We will conduct observational studies on site at salmon farms as well as lab studies with individual lumpfish to enable salmon farmers to optimise their use of lumpfish. Deliverables will include information on salmon cage setup, husbandry pra ctices, and lumpfish stocking density as well as papers published in scientific journals.

The aims of this project were to determine whether lumpfish could be classiefied into personality types, and if so, which ones. Additionally, we intended to investigate whether any such personalities were related to consuming lice. This work is still ongoing, as reaching a conclusion on this matter proved difficult. Papers with the behavioural results are upcoming, but perhaps the most important results from this project lie in its effect on industry perception of lumpfish.

The project provided early insight into the shelter use of lumpfish, which is constantly being built upon in industry and research. Salmon farmers are very aware of the necessity of using the correct types of shelters for different circumstances and that feed must be delivered in such a way that does not lead to competition. At the start of this project, that kind of information was neither widely available nor believed, but few salmon farmers would now dispute the need for adequate shelters or feeding methods.

Similarly, the early results from the behavioural experiments provided insight into the general behaviour of lumpfish, which was regularly reported back to industry. This kind of information is in continual use in industry as well as being built upon by scientists and commercial interests alike. While not immediately as actionable as shelter use, it does help in furthering the understanding of why lumpfish either don’t eat lice or thrive as well as expected in certain circumstances. Having a basic understanding of the nature of lumpfish behaviour explains much about why cages with biofouling (seaweed) often have thriving lumpfish and why delivering feed throughout the cage rather than in one point will improve welfare. Similarly, it explains why lumpfish may not consume as many lice in summer as they do in winter. Such knowledge does to an extent allow for better planning in terms of deployment time.


Scientific articles, books, thesis etc.
Norðberg G, Johannesen A, Arge R. (2015) Cryopreservation of lumpfish Cyclopterus lumpus (Linnaeus, 1758) milt. PeerJ 3:e1003

Eysturskarð, J., Johannesen, Á., Eliasen, K., (2017) Application of real­time PCR for specific detection of Lepeophtheirus salmonis in fluid samples from lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) stomachs, Aquaculture International, DOI:10,1007/s10499­016­0093­y

Johannesen, Asa, Nakita E. Joensen, and Eyðfinn Magnussen. 2018. Shelters Can Negatively Affect Growth and Welfare in Lumpfish If Feed Is Delivered Continuously. PeerJ 6:e4837.

Eliasen K, Danielsen E, Johannesen Á, Joensen L L, Patursson E J (2018) The cleaning efficacy of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) in Faroese salmon (Salmo salar L.) farming pens in relation to lumpfish size and seasonality. Aquaculture, 488: 61-65. doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2018.01.026

Johannesen Á., Eliasen K., Arge R. (2018). Rearing, farm application, and behaviour of lumpfish (Cyclopterus lumpus) in the Faroes. Book chapter in: Treasurer JW ed. Cleaner fish biology and aquaculture applications. Sheffield: 5M Publishing, 429–443

Other results, such as unpublished articles, patents, computer systems, original models and new procedures
Articles in prep:
Johannesen, A. and Joensen, H. (2021) Lumpfish behaviour: classification into behavioural traits (In prep for Ecology and Evolution)

Johannesen, A., Kristmundsson, J., Klebert, P., Patursson, Ø., Dam, S. P. (2021) Using passive integrated transponder tags (PIT tags) to monitor fish behaviour in a salmon cage (In prep for Aquaculture)

Johannesen, A and Joensen, H. (202x) Consistent behavioural traits in lumpfish – personality types (In prep)

New method:
Eysturskarð et al developed a gentle method (see publications) for detecting louse DNA in lumpfish stomach samples, which allows for monitoring of louse consumption without sacrifcing lumpfish or carrying out gastric lavages, which may lead to poor welfare outcomes. The method involves using a thin flexible tube (such as a neonatal feeding tube) to draw out a small sample of stomach fluid while the fish is anaesthetised. This sample can then be analysed using real-time PCR to detect louse DNA. This method was used and validated during the louse consumption trials carried out as part of this project.

Publications outside the scientific community, i.e. lectures, periodicals, articles in newspapers, television and radio
Johannesen, Á. Sendingin "Vitan" í útvarpinum hjá KvF: Um djóraatferð, harímillum um atferð hjá rognkelsum, sent 26/09-2014, KVF, 2014

Johannesen, Á., .Rognkelsni sum reinsifiskur, Sjónvarpsframløga í sendingini Speki, KVF, 2014

Johannesen, Á., Rognkelsi-føroyskur pussfiskur, Frøði, 3, s. 28-29, Des. 2015

Johannesen, Á., Hvussu skjótt verður ein lús sodnað, Alitíðindir, Maj 2016

Johannesen, Á, Aliráðstevnan, Havbúnaðarfelagið, 04.03.2016

Johannesen, Á., Atferð og vælferð hjá rognkelsum í aliringum. Framløga fyri alarum hjá Bakkafrost undan útseting í Sundalagnum. 29.06.2016

Johannesen, Á., Persónsleiki hjá rognkelsum. Vísindavøka á ferð. Skúlin á Fløtum (tvær ferðir). 29.09.2016.

Samrøða um persónsleika hjá rognkelsum í samband við “Vísindavøkan á ferð” í “Summarmorgun”, Ása Johannesen, (17-08-2016)

Eliasen K, Johannesen Á, Rognkelsisverkstova saman við alivinnuni, Kollafjørður 23. Feb

Eliasen K, Johannesen Á, Rognkelsisverkstova saman við alivinnuni, Sørvágur 22. sept.

Johannesen Á, Sodning hjá rognkelsum, Aliráðstevnan 2017

Johannesen Á, Persónsleiki hjá rognkelsum-Hvussu kanna vit hetta? Gransking í Føroyum 2017

Presentation held at workshop for salmon farmers on how lumpfish use shelters and how the type of shelter affects when during the day lumpfish use the shelter.

Johannesen, Á. Rognkelsi 1. partur. Barnaútvarpið, KvF, 05-11-2018. http://kvf.fo/vit/utvarp/2018/11/01/rognkelsi

Johannesen, Á. Rognkelsi 2. partur. Barnaútvarpið, KvF, 06-11-2018. http://kvf.fo/vit/utvarp/2018/11/01/rognkelsi-0

Storage and access rights til collected data
Published data are stored in public repositories (linked from their respective papers). All other data will be made available online as and when papers are published, but may also be made available on request for collaborative purposes and in the spirit of open science.

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