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Gravir og landslag í Føroyum í víkingaøld


Ann Sølvia Selmarsdóttir Purkhús

University of Aberdeen og Søvn Landsins

Aðrir luttakarar:
Dr. Karen Malik


Stuðul úr Granskingargrunninum:
1.122.903 kr.

The aim of this project is to gain a better understanding of Viking Age burials in the Faroe Islands. Since only two Viking Age grave sites have been found in the Faroe Islands, the religious beliefs and mortuary practices of the first inhabitants in these islands remains poorly understood. This lack of knowledge about the early burial heritage on the Faroe Islands, gives a huge gap in our understanding about the Viking Age people burial practices. Even so we have a good understanding of the daily life on individual farmstead during this period.

Therefore this project intends to fill in this gap of missing knowledge by testing various models for locating Viking Age burials, which has lately been develop in Iceland.

For that reason this study will focus on burials in a Faroese Viking Age landscape with emphasis laid on how Viking Age men and women used and shaped the landscape they were living in. Following this line of research I will also try to analyse and discuss the social and cosmological aspects of the Viking Age burial practices in the Faroe Islands by comparing them with contemporary burials in Norway, Iceland and Scotland.

At last, but not least I hope that the results of the PhD will give us new information on burial practices in the Viking Age in the Faroe Islands. Furthermore, hopefully these results will not onlybe able to shed more light on burial practices in the Faroe Islands during the Viking Age, but also in relation to Norway, Iceland and Scotland.


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