Játtað í: 2011 Granskingarøki: Náttúra og náttúrutilfeingi Verkætlanarslag: Ph.d.verkætlan Verkætlanarheiti: Bioactive peptides - extraction and processing methods for marine secondary products Játtanarnummar: 0428 Verkætlanarleiðari: Durita Dahl Djurhuus Stovnur/virki: Atlantic Biotechnology og Náttúruvísindadeildin Aðrir luttakarar: Svein-Ole Mikalsen,Hóraldur Joensen og Jan Stagsted Verkætlanarskeið: 1.5.2011-30.4.2014 Samlaður kostnaður: 1.969.000 DKK Stuðul úr Granskingargrunninum: 850.000 DKK Verkætlanarlýsing: Original This Ph.D. project will focus on development of extraction and processing methods for bioactive peptides from marine secondary products. This includes both mild extraction procedures that preserve natural bioactive peptides as well as chemical/enzymatic hydrolysis to optimize production of various peptide fractions from high quality fish. Ultra- and nanofiltration of dissolved peptides will result in peptides with a nominal MW between 500 and 10.000 Dalton. These process methods are availiable at ABt (Atlantic Biotechnology). Ion exchange is planned to be included in the process in the future. Different peptide fractions will be extracted on small scale and characterized using different chromatographic methods such as gel filtration or specific affinity chromatography and also LCMS and MS/MS. The peptides will be tested in biological test systems for their effect on e.g. antibacterial activity, wound healing and/or cancer cell proliferation and migration. When positive results are obtained the process will be repeated on large scale and analysed using the same assays as for small scale trials. Large scale extraction of antimicrobial peptides will be used in combination with chitosan to test antimicrobial effect in the gastrointestinal tract of weaning piglets. Støða: Steðgað Avrik: Due to different reasons the project was terminated before completion. << Back |
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