Year of grant: 2002 Research Area: Heilsa Project type: Verkætlan Project title: Analysis of Existing Psychological Test Data from Faroese Children at Increasing Ages to Validate Tests and Establish National Test Norms. Grant number: 0302 Project manager: Fróði Debes Institution/company: Deildin fyri Arbeiðs- og Almannaheilsu Project period: 1.10.2002 - 1.10.2003 Grant from the FRC in DKK: 451.993 kr. Project description: The object of the project is to perfor descriptive as well as comparative analysis of existing psychological test measures obtained from Faroese children at increasing ages, with the aim to evaluate the usefulness and applicability of the tests used and to establish national norms for those tests. It is the intention to present the results in a nonography to be leti n as a doctorial thesis. Project status: Liðug << Back |
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