Year of grant:

Research Area:

Project type:

Project title:
Si-4-Eco - Silicate – gyre dynamics: consequences for north Atlantic ecological productivity

Grant number:

Project manager:
Brian MacKenzie

DTU Aqua

Other participants:
Cooperation between DTU Aqua, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, and Faroe Marine Research Institute

Project period:

Total budget:

Grant from the FRC in DKK:

Project description:
The sub-polar north Atlantic Ocean is highly productive. Climate-ocean dynamics in this region, including a large counter-clockwise rotating gyre formed by major currents, affect distribution of marine life. Here we hypothesize that dynamics of this gyre, including interaction of gyre movements with the Ridge, also directly affect primary productivity by redistributing recycled silicate, fuelling the regional food web – from microbes to whales - with detectable impacts 1000s of km downstream via advective and mixing processes, and that these links could erode under climate change. Project results will advance understanding of how climate change affects productivities of food webs and sustainability of fisheries production and carbon sequestration, with socio-economic repercussions

Project status:
Fer í gongd

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