Year of grant: 2024 Research Area: MARiNAO Project type: Ph.d.-verkætlan Project title: PHYTO-TRAITS - Morphological and nutritional traits of phytoplankton blooms in the Faroe Islands, Greenland and Ocean-Shelf systems of the North Atlantic Grant number: 8016 Project manager: Ian Salter Institution/company: Havstovan (Faroe Marine Research Institute) Other participants: Cooperation between faroe Marine Research Institute, University of the Faroe Islands, Firum, Greenland Institute of Natural Resources, DTU Aqua, Finnish Enviroment Institute, and Research Institute for Water and the Enviroment (Norway) Project period: 01.10.2024-30.09.2027 Total budget: 7.164.681 DKK Grant from the FRC in DKK: 3.199.852 DKK Project description: The aim of PHYTO-TRAITS is to understand the variability and oceanographic controls of phytoplankton trait ecology in the North Atlantic. Phytoplankton communities and oceanographic conditions are transitioning due to climate warming and ocean acidification, however, impacts on nutritional traits that govern planktonic foodwebs are uncertain. Through a combination of novel interdisciplinary approaches, the project will characterize temporal and regional variability of phytoplankton functional traits in Faroese, Greenlandic, and North Atlantic marine ecosystems, linking them to trophic interactions and large-scale oceanographic features of "the Ridge". The project will support a Ph.D. studentship and develop plankton trait ecology research in the Danish Kingdom and wider Nordic Region. Project status: Fer í gongd << Back |
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