Year of grant:

Research Area:
Náttúruvísindi & tøkni

Project type:

Project title:
Atkomuligur botnfellismyndil til betri umhvørvisráðlegging

Grant number:

Project manager:
Birgitta Andreasen


Other participants:
Gunnvør á Norði, Pål N. Sævik, Jan Hammer Eghilm, Sissal V. Erenbjerg, Tróndur T. Johannesen

Project period:
01.09.2023 - 01.12.2025

Total budget:
2.966.325 DKK

Grant from the FRC in DKK:
800.000 DKK

Project description:
In the Faroe Islands, the Atlantic salmon aquaculture industry started in 1966 and today accounts for nearly 50 % of the export value from the islands (Statistics Faroe Islands,, with farms occupying almost every Faroese fjord. This increased production raises concerns about the environmental impacts and long-term sustainability of this rapidly growing industry ranging from disease transference and genetic interactions between farmed and wild organisms to direct and indirect impact of fish farm wastes on the surrounding benthic ecosystems.

Fish farm waste comprises particulate and dissolved fractions of both organic and inorganic effluents, including but not limited to waste feed, faeces and other metabolic by-products released to the surrounding aquatic marine environment. The particulate fraction of the waste, Particulate Organic Matter (POM), is considered the largest source of environmental impact on the seabed making it an important precursor for organic enrichment of the benthic habitat. This organic enrichment beneath a farm is often referred to as the POM footprint. An accurate representation of this POM footprint is essential to assess the benthic impact of a fish farm.

Project status:

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