Year of grant: 2022 Research Area: Heilsa Project type: Verkætlan Project title: FarGen-PGx: Samanrenningina millum ílegur og ymisk sløg av heilivági í føroysku populatiónuni Grant number: 0359 Project manager: Jónrit Halling Institution/company: Ílegusavnið, Náttúruvísindadeildin, Fróðskaparsetur Føroya Other participants: Noomi O. Gregersen Project period: Planned: 01.08.2022 - 01.09.2023 Actual: 01.08.2022-31.12.2025 Total budget: kr. 1.108.640 Grant from the FRC in DKK: kr. 435.770 Project description: With the project “FarGen-PGx: Pharmacogenomics within the Faroese Population“ we aim to describe the relationship between genes and medication respond (PGx) in the Faroese population by incorporate genetic data from the FarGen-infrastructure with pharmaceutical records. It is well known that individuals vary considerably in their response to medication. Some patients show a substantial therapeutic response to a given drug, while others may not and may even experience adverse side-effects. In addition, certain patients may require considerably higher or lower doses of a medication to achieve maximum benefit. It is recognized that parts of the individual variation in therapeutic response is inherited, and genetic variants are estimated to affect between 20–95% of the response variability. Therapeutic response is therefore potentially predictable by using PGx markers. This project is a comprehensive approach to bring forward PGx tests into routine use in the Faroese Health care system, where this application includes the first steps. Project status: Virkin Project output: See PURE << Back |
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