Year of grant: 2021 Research Area: Heilsa Project type: Ph.d.verkætlan Project title: Neurologiskar sjúkur hjá børnum í Føroyum: Farsóttarfrøði, svøvn ólag og ávirkan av eini tónleika uppílegging Grant number: 0353 Project manager: Tórunn H. Ósá Institution/company: Deildin fyri Heilsu- og Sjúkrarøktarvísindi, Fróðskaparsetrið Other participants: Maria Skaalum Petersen, Marin Strøm, Magni Mohr, Alfres Peter Born Project period: Planned: 01.08.2022 - 31.07.2025 Actual: 01.01.2023-31.12.2025 Total budget: kr. 2.865.500 Grant from the FRC in DKK: kr. 790.000 Project description: Paediatric neurodisabilities in the Faroe Islands: Epidemiology, sleep disorders – and impact of a music-based intervention INTRODUCTION & MAIN OBJECTIVES Chronic paediatric neurodisabilities (NDs) including cerebral palsy and chromosome disorders are reported to affect 3.5-8.0% of children aged 0-18 years, and some studies have reported increasing prevalence (Spencer et al, 2015). Little is known about the occurrence of these disabilities in Faroese children, except for the prevalence of SUCLA2, a severe genetic disorder resulting in encephalomyopathy, which is higher in the Faroe Islands compared with other countries (Carrozzo et al, 2007). In this PhD project, we aim to 1) describe the occurrences and severity of paediatric NDs in the Faroe Islands and 2) test the effectiveness of a music-based intervention to improve sleep quality in children with complex NDs. The prevalence of sleep disorders has been reported to affect 70-80% of the children with NDs, and without appropriate treatment, sleep disorders can become chronic (Bruni et al, 2019) (McDonald et al, 2019). There are few treatment options for sleep disorders in NDs, and even fewer have been evaluated systematically (Beresford et al, 2018). Pilot studies have tested a music sound pillow in adults with promising effect to alleviate insomnia (Lund et al, 2019). However, to the best of our knowledge, it has not yet been tested in children. In the present project, we aim to provide a basis for further research and for management and prioritising of resources to improve the lives of these vulnerable children and their families. Given the current limitations of psychological and pharmacological treatments to combat insomnia (Beresford et al, 2018), the objective of this PhD project is to: 1. Describe the occurrence and characteristics of paediatric NDs in the Faroe Islands (study 1) 2. Conduct a randomised controlled trial in children with chronic paediatric NDs with a music pillow to test the effect on sleep disorders a) measured with physiological data by heart rate (HR) (study 2a) and b) a parent-reported questionnaire assessing sleep disorders in their children with NDs (study 2b) Project status: Virkin Project output: See PURE << Back |
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