Year of grant: 2021 Research Area: Náttúra og náttúrutilfeingi Project type: Post.doc. Project title: Forritan av fjarða myndilium FarCoast og háavrikandi teldumegi Grant number: 0464 Project manager: Sissal Erenbjerg Institution/company: Fiskaaling Other participants: Prof. Eigil Kaas, Dr. Jon Albretsen, Gunnvør á Norði, Bárður Niclasen, Tróndur T. Johannsen, Karin Mergretha H. Larsen Project period: Planned: 01.10.2021 - 01.10.2023 Actual: 01.0.12022-31.12.2025 Total budget: kr. 1.686.749 Grant from the FRC in DKK: kr. 940.000 Project description: This Post. Doc. project will focus on creating a HPC center at Fiskaaling (FA), gaining the best possible performance of existing and new super-computers. This HPC environment will be implemented in close collaboration with the University of the Faroe Islands (UoFO), the Institute of Marine Research in Norway (IMR) and the University of Copenhagen (UCPH). The establishment of a HPC environment will be beneficial for the entire Faroese research community, as we wish to share computational resources between our institutes and continue to benefit from these cross disciplines. The contribution of the Post Doc will be optimizing the FarCoast model. FarCoast is adapted from NorKyst800, a model covering the Norwegian coast using 800m x 800m resolution (Asplin et al. 2020 and Albretsen et al. 2011), which is based on the Regional Ocean Model System (ROMS). FarCoast is a high-resolution 3D ocean model for the Faroese coasts and fjords. FarCoast has a triply nested grid (800m –> 160m –> 32m), increasing resolution down to 32m in the fjords. The FarCoast800 model setup is validated by Erenbjerg et al. (2020) who concludes that the ROMS is an excellent choice for driving a high-resolution nested model of the Faroe Shelf, since FarCoast800 provides circulation in accordance with observations on the shelf (Erenbjerg et al. 2020). Working results suggest that the FarCoast32 with 32x32 m grid resolution applied in Sundalagið North can realistically simulate current velocities and exchanges with shelf water (correlation coefficient: r > 0.8 (In prep Erenbjerg et al.)). The importance of having such a hydrodynamic model running in the Faroe Islands is imperative. It can be widely applied as a driver for other near-field models, investigating the Faroese enviromnent and state of nature. Fiskaaling has invested considerable work effort in an ongoing endeavor to understand salmon lice dispersion and infection pressure (á Norði et al. 2015, 2016, Kragesteen et al 2018, 2019, 2021). The ability to combine FarCoast with an individually based model for salmon lice, will increase the realistic simulation of lice dispersion as dispersion patterns are primarily determied by hydrography and current velocities (Sandvik et al. 2016, Asplin et al. 2014, Johnsen et al. 2016, Myksvoll et al. 2020). Project status: Virkin Project output: See PURE << Back |
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