Year of grant:

Research Area:
Náttúra og tilfeingi

Project type:

Project title:
TINNA - Jarðfrøðiliga loysnin at røkka null útlát

Grant number:

Project manager:
Rakul Maria Johannesen


Other participants:
Professor Sevrre Planke, Dr. Hans Jørgen Kjøll, Dr. Jana Ólavsdóttir

Project period:
01/01/2022 - 31/12/2024

Total budget:
kr 2.570.000

Grant from the FRC in DKK:
kr. 1.000.000

Project description:
TINNA – The geological way to reach the net-zero emission The world is currently undergoing an anthropogenic climate change which, if no decisive action is taken, will evolve into a global climate crisis with dire natural and societal consequences. In this light, the Faroe Islands have pledged to drastically reduce their anthropogenic release of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, but have not succeeded so far. An efficient way to reach the goal of zero-emission of CO2 is through Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS), which is a technique that countries around us already have invested heavily in. Studies from Iceland, have recently shown promising results of storing CO2 in basaltic rock. This is the same rock type that is covering 99.5% of the Faroese sector, but the potential of CCS in the Faroe Islands have not yet been investigated. The main aim of this study is to build the knowledge basis required to evaluate CCS in the Faroe Islands Basaltic Group (FIBG). This will be done by fracture mapping, both at a regional scale, and detailed mapping at a selected site. Following this, a scientific well will be drilled at the study site, and detailed analyses of fractures, porosity and permeability will be done on the drilled section. Lastly, flow simulations of the study site will be made, with the overreaching aim to test the reservoir quality of the FIBG. The knowledge obtained by this project also has relevance for other areas, e.g. it can serve as a unique analogue to the Faroese offshore areas as well as offshore Norway. The ultimate goal of this project is thus societal, namely to provide local policymakers with a sound scientific basis for decisions about future investments in CCS in the Faroe Islands.

Project status:

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