Year of grant:

Research Area:

Project type:

Project title:
Tann føroyski knæ-kanningarbólkurin. Ein kanning av etiologi og langtíðar avleiðingum av Trochlear Dysplasi og knæ-skels keiking.

Grant number:

Project manager:
Niclas Højgaard Eysturoy


Other participants:
Kristoffer Weisskirchner Barfod, Per Holmich, Elinborg S. Mortensen, Bent Soloy, Lars Blønd og Noomi O. Gregersen

Project period:

Total budget:
kr. 1.296.692

Grant from the FRC in DKK:
kr. 670.000

Project description:
The Faroese Knee Cohort is a unique project investigating the etiology, risk factors and long term implications of patellar instability (P1) and trochlea dysplasia (TD) – a condition that is more common and more disabling than cruciate ligament injuries. Purpose of the study/project: The overall aim of the study is to investigate etiology and long term implications og P1 and TD and patellar dislocation (PD). The study has a short term and a long term overall objective. 1. In the short term, the objective is to investigate the epidemiology of trochlear dysplasia with special focus on risk factors, familiar association and genetic influence in a nationwide cohort at the Faroes Islands. 2. In the long term the objective is to investigate the influence of trochlear dysplasia on patient reported function, quality of life and development of osteoarthritis over a 30-year span. Background. Femoral Trochlear Dysplasia (TD) is a major predisposing factor for patellar instability. The high incidence of patellar dislocations of 42 per 100.000 person years, typically in young adults, has led to intense research on a world wide scale. However, the etiology of TD has yet to be explained, though, researchers are suspicious of a familiar association, as well as a balanced translocation of chromosomes 15 and 20. Furthermore, patellar instability is a known risk factor for development of osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee – the fourth largest disabling according to the WHO. The Faroese Knee Cohort will permit unique investigations of the development of OA in regards to genetic disposition and other factors over a 30years span. About the project: This is a prospective national cohort stody including the whole Faroese population aged 15-20 years. People will be invited to join the study if they have experienced PD or have P1. They will be screened for TD, a feometrical abnormality in the distal femur where the patella engages, by a true lateral X-ray and a bilateral MRI scan of the knees. In the outpatient clinic, they will undergo a clinical assessment and answer a variety of questionnaires. Lastly, they will draw a blood-sample for later genetic analysis. All data will be stored in a secured database at The National Genetic Biobank in the Faroe Island. The patients will be followed for 30 years with a yearly questionnaire. At 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 years we plan a clinical follow up and to take an X-ray of the knees to asses OA.

Project status:

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