Year of grant: 2019 Research Area: Tøkni, náttúra og náttúrutilfeing Project type: Ph.d.-verkætlan Project title: Pathways for 100% renewable energy in Nordic Islands- the case of the Faroe Islands Grant number: 0608 Project manager: Uni Reinert Petersen Institution/company: Aalborg Universitet Project period: 01.01.2020-07.06.2023 01.01.2020 – 31.03.2022 Total budget: 1.900.376 Grant from the FRC in DKK: 1.000.000 Project description: Original The Faroe Islands, remotely located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, serve as a good case for studying, how isolated island societias can achieve 100% renewable energy. Although much work has been done on this matter in recent years, following the political goal of reaching 100% renewable electricity in 2030, the main focus in all contemporary studies has been on how electricity should be produced and supplied. Therefore, some questions regarding the rest of the energy system remain open, such as how should the heating sector be converted in terms of 50% of the Faroese CO₂ emissions, going to be converted. Drawing on scientific knowledge and experience from other countries and island societies, this project will perform energy system analysis of different 100% renewable scenarios for the Faroese energy system looking past the current medium-term goal of 2030 in order to recommend a roadmap towards a cost efficient 100% renewable energy system for the Faroe Islands in 2050. Thereby, this project is the first of its kind, and contributes with state-of-the-art research in Smart Energy Systems to inform Faroese dicision-makers and stakeholders in the Faroese energy sector about feasible and sustainable development pathways towards 100% renewable energy for the entire Faroese energy system; including electricity, heating, industry as well as on-and off-shore transport. This research project will be implemented in conjunction with a large international research project in which the project manager has other related tasks of energy system modellin gand analysis. Final Arbeitt varð við verkætlanini í umleið tvey ár. Nógv av tíðini varð verkætlanin neiliga ávirkað av Covid-19. Av hesi og øðrum givnum orsøkum varð valt at steðga vid verkætlanini. Verkætlanin samlaði eina rúgvu av dátum um føroysku orkuskipanina, sum kunnu nýtast til forritan, t.d. í EnergyPLAN forritinum. Ein fittur partur av játtanini fall aftur í Granskingargrunnin. Project status: Steðgað Project output: Útgávur Andrew Barney, Uni Reinert Petersen, Heracles Polatidis: Energy scenarios for the Faroe Islands: A MCDA methodology including local social perspectives. In Sustainable Futures Volume 4, 2022. Goymsla og atkomurættur til innsavnaðar dátur Dátur kunnu fáast vid at at venda sær til Una Reinert Petersen. << Back |
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