Year of grant: 2017 Research Area: Mentan Project type: Ph.d.verkætlan Project title: At reika I den færøske daginstitution. En de-kolonial undersægelse af trivsel i daginstitutionspolitik og praksis i rigsfællesskabet Grant number: 0234 Project manager: Greta Jimenez Institution/company: Aarhus Universitet Other participants: Charlotte Ringsmose Project period: Planned: 01.09.2017-01.09.2020 Actual: 01.09.2017- 01.09.2023 Total budget: 2.043.185 Grant from the FRC in DKK: 1.111.379 Project description: Original På Færøerne er daginstitutionsområdet vokset markant på forholdsvis kort tid. Over 90 % af de færøske børn går nu i daginstitution og Færøerne har egen pædagoguddannelse. På trods af denne udvikling findes der stort set ingen lokalt produceret daginstitutionsforskning. Fra kommunal side indsamler man viden på området, men kvalitetsvurdering og praksisudvikling i de færøske daginstitutioner kan ind til videre kun ske på baggrund af forskningsviden produceret i andre lande. Omvendt foreligger der er en betydelig forskningsviden om danske daginstitutioner, men denne viden er i begrænset omfang rettet mod begrebet trivsel, og en konkret definition for begrebet indenfor daginstitutionsområdet findes ikke. Alligevel fremstår trivsel som et centralt begreb for daginstitutioner og deres virke. Trivsel bruges som kriterium når kvaliteten i daginstitutionerne vurderes, når pædagogers kompetencer formuleres, og trivsel opstilles som en af de vigtigste målsætninger for pædagogisk praksis, både på Færøerne og i Danmark. Ph.d. projektet Trivsel i daginstitutionen. Trivselsforståelser i danske og færøske daginstitutioner vil bidrage til daginstitutionsfeltet med forskningsviden som belyser begrebet trivsel, ved at undersøge og sammenligne trivselsforståelser i færøske og danske daginstitutioner. Projektet undersøger hvordan trivsel forstås og praktiseres. Det undersøges desuden hvordan betingelserne for pædagogisk praksis og praksis i sig selv påvirker forestillinger om trivsel. Endelig undersøger projektet hvordan de forskellige forståelser af trivsel giver mening i færøsk og dansk kontekst. Ph.d. projektet udvikler empirisk baseret lokal viden med det formål at understøtte arbejdet med trivsels- og kvalitetsdagsordner i danske og færøske daginstitutioner. Final In this thesis, I investigate the phenomenon of well-being in Faroese early childhood education and care (ECEC) using a de-colonial (Mignolo, 2002, 2009, 2020; Mignolo & Walsh, 2018) analytical strategy and a new-materialist (Barad, 2007; Braidotti & Hlavajova, 2018; Juelskjær, 2019); MacLure, 2015; Sedgwick, 2020) research approach that produces a situated (Haraway, 2018) and locally rooted daycare practice. The thesis thus generates a situated (Haraway, 2018) and locally rooted ECEC doings, which the thesis attaches to wellbeing, to doing the good life. Furthermore, I transform the ECEC doings into potentials for pedagogical professionalism in the Danish Commonwealth by giving it a language through a praxis of fissure (Mignolo & Walsh, 2018; C. Walsh, 2018): I create images of a pedagogical professionalism that rest on a doing and thinking about well-being and the good life that differs from current trends that ECEC policy encourage. This opens up, on the one hand, for potential transformation in terms of quality and pedagogical professionalism in ECEC, and on the other, for a strengthening of locally rooted knowledge about quality and pedagogical professionalism. As such, the thesis transforms well-being into a political category that can be negotiated thereby challenging notions of childhood as a universally applicable phenomenon, and by extension, challenging the universalizing regulations for quality, wellbeing and 7 the good life ECEC. The thesis challenges notions of well-being as a bodily confined characteristic that educators observe solely in the child; quality as an expression of secure knowledge, structure, predictability and control; well-being as interventions that ensures/guarantees reductions in social inequality in the future; care as a resource and as something educators give children but something that they themselves are excluded from. The thesis thereby opens up for wellbeing to be recognized as a distributed and situated phenomenon that lives both inside and outside the body, which is embedded in a culture-nature, and which is found in both educators and children. By extension, it expands the understanding of care to be a form of organization of the good life that transcends economic and scientific language. The study is constructed diffracting the realm of opportunities that education policy provides for wellbeing, with well-being constructed with its foundation in (post)qualitative research approaches (Mazzei, 2021; Murris, 2021b; C. A. Taylor, 2017), and a multi-situated ethnography (Marcus, 1995) – education-politicizing well-being and de-colonizing well-being. Through this distinction, the study seeks to make room for special, specific and locally embedded qualities that are in danger of being rendered invisible and of being delimited by educational (geo)political discourses. The educationpoliticizing well-being is constructed through paranoid readings (Sedgwick, 2020) of a mutuallyconstituting coherence of research and policy, a coherence that is activated and produced by strong theory (Sedgwick, 2020); that is to say, of strong discourses that give direction to educational policy and well-being, and which produce children, educators and day care institutions. I identify these discourses as break in social inheritance on the one hand, and discourses of evidence on the other. The decolonizing well-being is constructed using material-discursive analysis of entanglements that produce well-being a Faroese ECEC. That is to say, by examining which conditions contribute to the creation of a Faroese ECEC, the thesis contributes to a historicization of Faroese ECEC. This history is understood as composite and as the result of continuous encounters, as processes of becoming that never stop. A composition that I settle as hybrids (Bhabha, 2004) – the world and well-being in ECEC as infinitely complex and always in motion. In these hybrids, culture meets nature, commonwealth, reform pedagogy and progressivism, the settlement, and Faroese nation-building. These encounters produce particular material, discursive and temporal re-configurations, and through these entanglements concepts emerge that we can think with locally – reika and non-knowledge as some of them – concepts that in themselves carry potential for well-being and the good life, which could very well work beyond the borders of the Faroe Islands. Project status: Liðug Project output: PhD Thesis defended on 8 September 2023. Scientific articles, books, thesis etc. Thesis: At reika I den færøske daginstitution. En de-kolonial undersøgelse af trivsel i daginstitutionspolitik og praksis i rigsfællesskabet Publications outside the scientific community, i.e. lectures, periodicals, articles in newspapers, television and radio Two lectures hold for Føroya Pedagogfelag, one newspaper article and one podcast disseminating the thesis findings. << Back |
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