Year of grant: 2016 Research Area: Heilsa Project type: Verkætlan Project title: Parkinson sjúka í Føroyum – ein langtíðar kanning Grant number: 0339 Project manager: Maria Skaalum Petersen Institution/company: Deildin fyri Arbeiðs- og Almannaheilsu Other participants: Matthew Farrer, Sofus Joensen, Gunhild Waldemar, Beate Ritz, Súsanna Crooks, Noomi O. Gregersen, Tórmóður Stórá, Guðrið Andorsdóttir Project period: 01.05.2015-31.04.2017 Total budget: 2.208.864 Grant from the FRC in DKK: 500.000 Project description: Original Parkinson’s disease (PD), best known as a movement disorder, is a multifaceted syndrome of trait components that include autonomic, cognitive, motor, psychiatric, sensory and sleep deficits, many of which are progressive. Current symptomatic treatments are of limited efficacy, even for the movement disorder, while the etiology of disease and its progression remain poorly defined. The increasing prevalence of PD in our aging society requires therapeutic strategies that slow or halt neurodegeneration. The Faroe Islands is well suited to complex trait mapping given its isolation and reduced heterogeneity, excellent genealogic records and large pedigrees. Importantly, the prevalence of PD is 2-fold greater than neighboring countries, an excess not explained by environmental risk factors alone. Complex segregation analysis of PD on the islands, based on clinical diagnoses and genealogic data, is suggestive of a genetic contribution. However, our preliminary data largely excludes rare coding variability in loci genetically linked to PD. Still, in four of the multi-incident pedigrees comparative exome analyses are ongoing and may yet identify another novel genetic determinant for disease susceptibility. Little is known about the joint genetic and environmental factors contributing to PD, or its specific clinical components (motor and non-motor symptoms), and more especially those which modify disease progression. Any ability to predict the decline of affected subjects would have profound benefits for newly diagnosed patients, their families, healthcare systems and for novel therapeutic development. The Faroese cohort represents a relatively small, pragmatic investment for the comprehensive longitudinal study sorely needed to advance our understanding of this complex disease process. With complete ascertainment of existing and de novo PD patients in the Faroe Islands we plan a longitudinal familybased, cohort study, focused on progression. We intend to continue recruitment, obtain more clinical and environmental phenotyping (including progression), more detailed genealogical investigation of patients and control subjects free of neurologic disease, and their 1st-3rd degree pedigrees. We plan to integrate data from on-going screening of known PD genes, exome analysis and genome-wide SNP genotyping/copy number variants (CNV). With excellent genealogical data we propose a pedigree-based approach using linkage (identical-by-descent (IBD)) analyses to elucidate the contribution of: 1) known (and perhaps novel) genes on PD progression; 2) environmental factors that may enhance susceptibility to onset and progression phenotypes, and; 3) to assess their joint contribution. While genetic and environmental risk factors for PD etiology have been described, little is known about environmental predictors of motor and non-motor progression and different phenotypes of PD. We intend to look at potential environmental (inc. PCBs, mercury, β -HCH) behavioral (e.g. smoking, caffeine, physical activity), and medical (comorbidities, PD medications etc.) determinants of PD progression, also together with genetic factors. Although a longitudinal cohort might be developed anywhere in the world, the Faroese population represents a unique opportunity as it is a geographic, environmental and genetic isolate. It has an ‘engaged’ patient network already committed to research, with relatively large pedigrees and superbly detailed genealogy, unfettered patient access to health care, traditionally high participation rates in research and low probability of losing subjects to followup, presents a unique opportunity to test the hypothesis that in multivariate modelling of multiple trait phenotypes, genetic and environmental factors will inform progression. Hence, we wish to rigorously pursue the following aims: Aim 1 - Recruitment to a longitudinal study of PD in the Faroese population (new patients, current cohort members and 1st-3rd relatives) collecting blood samples, clinical, environmental and genealogical data. Ascertain clinical data/biospecimens and data on a similar set of pedigrees free from neurologic disease. Aim 2 - To perform genetic analysis within Faroese pedigrees with multi-incident PD. Exome analysis will be performed to identify novel variants linked to PD and/or progression. Illumina genotyping and CNV analyses will be performed to define haplotypes, identity-by-descent vectors and inform genealogy. A similar dataset will be obtained for pedigrees of healthy subjects free from neurologic disease. Aim 3 - To quantify the contribution of known (and perhaps novel) genes and environment influencing susceptibility and/or progression of PD or trait components, using multivariate statistical modelling. Assess the linkage of haplotype vectors, inherited identical-by-descent (IBD), with clinical phenotypes. We anticipate the molecular, clinical and environmental knowledge gained from this research will improve diagnosis, prognosis and accelerate the development of novel treatments, e.g. aimed at slowing progression. Predicting progression is the most important issue for newly diagnosed patients. Genetic predictors can hopefully help identify those patients most vulnerable to rapid progression and clarify the biologic pathways most likely to be involved in the underlying mechanisms. Those patients with most rapid progression and/or destined to significant comorbidities including non-motor disease, may benefit from knowing. Hence, by exploring the contributions of genetic factors to complex progression phenotypes in PD, our work will help fill an important knowledge gap. Final The Faroese population-based PD cohort consists currently of ~250 PD cases, of whom 212 have biological samples. Since 2013, the study has been longitudinal of nature and of the 250 cases, ~ 50 were recruited under the new protocol. All patients have been examined clinically by neurologist using United Kingdom Parkinson Disease Brain Bank criteria with Hoehn & Yahr for clinical staging. From 2013 and onward, our clinical instruments include motor (UPDRS), cognitive (MoCA), autonomic (SCOPA-AUT), mood (GDS) and sleep questionnaires (Epworth, REM sleep behaviour disorder), and the modified H&Y scale. For all participants we have biological samples, exposure, behavioural/lifestyle and medical data available. Around 100 patients have a detailed research assessment at baseline, 79 have one follow-up, 42 have two follow-ups and 3 have three follow-ups. Based on information and pedigrees provided by the Genetic Biobank, four of the most extensive, multi-incident pedigrees were selected for genealogic expansion with detailed family trees, including recruitment of their first degree relatives with informed consent for genetic studies (siblings, spouses, children). A total of 167 unaffected family members have participated so far and recruitment is ongoing. Since the initiation of Parkinson research in 2005, a tremendous amount of field work has been performed with and the collected, longitudinal data (clinical, epidemiologic, genealogic, environmental and genetic data) in this unique isolated population which is an distinctive asset of the study. Project status: Liðug Project output: Vísindaligar greinar, bøkur, ritgerðir v.m.: • Lynge E, Petersen MS, Lophaven SN. Inflammatory bowel disease and Parkinson’s disease. Gut, 2019. doi: 10.1136/gutjnl-2019-318958 • Vollstedt E, Brüggemann N, ……..Petersen MS et al. Using global team science to identify genetic Parkinson’s disease worldwide. Ann Neurol. 2019 Aug;86(2):153-157. doi: 10.1002/ana.25514 • Petersen MS, Lophaven SN, Lynge E, Weihe P. What does migration between the Faroe islands and Denmark tell us about the etiology of Parkinson's disease? Mov Disord. 2019;34(6):922-923. doi: 10.1002/mds.27692 • Crooks S, Bech S, Halling J, Christiansen D, Petersen MS. Carnitine levels and mutations in the SLC22A5 gene in Faroes patients with Parkinson's disease. Neurosci Lett. 2018;675:116-119. doi: 10.1016/j.neulet.2018.03.064 • Petersen MS, Guella I, Bech S, Gustavsson E, Farrer, MJ. Parkinson’s disease, genetic variability and the Faroe Islands. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2015;21:75-78. • Petersen MS, Bech S, Nosova E, Aasly J, Farrer MJ. Familial aggregation of Parkinson disease in the Faroe Islands. Mov Disord 2015;30(4):538-44. • Petersen MS, Bech S, Christiansen DH, Schmedes AV, Halling J. The role of vitamin D levels and vitamin D receptor polymorphism on Parkinson's disease in the Faroe Islands. Neurosci Lett. 2014 Jan 3. pii: S0304-3940(13)01134-8 Greinar, sum standast av samarbeiði, ikki beinleiðis úrslit frá verkætlanini • Vollstedt E, Brüggemann N, ……..Petersen MS et al. Identifying genetic Parkinson’s disease patients worldwide: Exploiting novel ways of team science for rare diseases. Under review in Ann Neurol, Jan 2019 • Gustavsson E, Trinh J, McKenzie M, Bortnick S, Petersen MS, Farrer MJ, Aasly J. Genetic Identification in Early-Onset Parkinsonism among Norwegian Patients. Mov Disord Clin Pract 2017 23;4(4):499-508, doi:10.1002/mdc3.12501 • Gustavsson EK, Trinh J, Guella I, Szu-Tu C, Khinda J, Lin C, Wu R, Stoessl J, Appel-Cresswell S, McKeown M, Rajput A, Rajput A, Petersen MS, Jeon BJ, Aasly J, Farrer MJ. DCTN1 p.K56R in progressive supranuclear palsy. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2016;28: 56-61 • Trinh J, Guella I, McKenzie M, Gustavsson EK, Szu-Tu C, Petersen MS, Rajput A, Rajput AH, McKeown M, Jeon BS, Aasly JO, Bardien S, Farrer MJ. Novel LRRK2 mutations in Parkinsonism. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2015;21(9):1119-21 Munnligar framløgur • The Faroese Parkinson’s Diseases Research Program – multifactorial analyses of a complex syndrome. Parkinson’s disese . 13th Annual Meeting of GEoPD, France 2018 • The Faroese Parkinson’s Diseases Research Program – multifactorial analyses of a complex syndrome. 12th Annual Meeting of GEoPD, Luxembourg, 2016 • Parkinson’s disease research in the Faroe Islands – an update. Genetic Epidemiology of Parkinson's Disease (GEO-PD) Annual meeting, Vancouver, Canada, Sep 2014 Postarar • The role of Acetyl-L-Carnitine levels and 95A>G mutations in the SLC22A5 gene on Parkinson’s disease in Faroe Islands, AD/PD conference, Wien, Austria, 2017 • The Faroese Parkinson’s Diseases Research Program multifactorial analyses of a complex syndrome, AD/PD conference, Wien, Austria, 2017 • The Faroese Parkinson’s Diseases Research Program – multifactorial analyses of a complex syndrome. 20th International Congress of Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders, Berlin, Germany 2016. • Polychlorinated Biphenyl (PCB) Exposure, CYP2B6 Variability and Parkinson. 2016 American Academy of Neurology Annual Meeting, Vancouver, Canada 2016 • Familial aggregation of Parkinson’s disease in the Faroe Islands. Genetic Epidemiology in Homogeneous Populations symposium (GEHOPS), Nantes, France, 2015. Almannakunngerðing uttan fyri vísindaliga umhvørvið, t.d. fyrilestrar, tíðarrit, greinar í bløðum, sjónvarp og útvarp Fyrilestur í samband við Parkinson venjingarvikuskiftið í Pálshøll, 13. okt 2017 Almennur fyrilestur fyri Parkinsonfelagið, 21. feb 2015: Gransking í Parkinson í Føroyum Almennur fyrilestur fyri Parkinsonfelagið, Dec 2014: Parkinson sjúka í Føroyum Samrøða í KVF í Jan 2014 um Parkinson verkætlanina Skriva grein í Frøði 19. Árg, 2014: Vilja loysa gátuna um Parkinson << Back |
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