Year of grant: 2015 Research Area: Heilsa - Sjúkrakassagrunnurin Project type: Verkætlan Project title: Defining the genetic etiology of Alzheimer’s disease in the Faroe Islands Grant number: 3020 Project manager: Maria Skaalum Petersen Institution/company: Deildin fyri Arbeiðs- og Almannaheilsu Other participants: Matthew Farrer, Sofus Joensen, Gunhild Waldemar, Beate Ritz, Súsanna Crooks, Noomi Gregersen, Ílegusavnið, Tórmoður Stórá Project period: 01.05.2015-31.04.2017 Total budget: 2.206.864 Grant from the FRC in DKK: 667.421 Project description: Original Alzheimer’s disease (AD), accounting for ~70% of the dementia cases, affects ~13% of the population at 65 years increasing to 45% by 85 years. Around 50.000 Danish citizens’ are affected by AD conferring substantial economic strain on the Danish health care systems and the burden of illness to patients, families, the health care system and society is substantial. AD has a progressive course resulting in impairment of cognitive function accompanied with substantial medical expenses, loss of quality of life and increased mortality and morbidity. No treatment is available to stop or cure the disease. Thus there is an urgent need of more knowledge in AD, to promote a better understanding of the disease and development of treatments slowing, stopping or even preventing the progression of the disease. The reason for AD is unknown but may be caused by both genetic and environmental factors. We propose to establish an Alzheimer’s Cohort with the aim to find genetic and environmental factors that influence the risk of AD in the Faroe Islands. We believe the Faroese population presents a unique opportunity to conduct such a study because of the geographical situation leading to homogeneous genetic background and presents a unique opportunity to more readily identify genetic and environmental factors involved in AD. The specific aims of this project are: 1. Detailed genealogical investigation of patients with Alzheimer’s disease 2. Enrolment of patients with AD, incl.1st degree family members of selected familial patients 3. Identify genes influencing risk and/or susceptibility of AD in the Faroese population. Final The objective was to establish an Alzheimer’s cohort in the Faroe Islands with aim to unravel genetic and environmental factors that influence the risk and/or susceptibility of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We believe this is a unique setting to study AD due to its characteristics as a geographic, environmental and genetic isolate. The Faroese Alzheimer study was initiated in Sep 2015 and recruitment is still on-going. Patient identification was through the only specialized memory clinic in the Faroes, the Dementia Clinic. All individuals with a suspicion of dementia or a dementia diagnosis were invited. No exclusion criteria were used but rather excluding in any analyses. Data collection included a blood sample for DNA isolation and environmental contaminants. Addenbrook’s cognitive examination (ACE) test is being used which supplements the Mini Mental State Examinations (MMSE) to assess cognitive function. Furthermore, the Brief Neuropsychiatric Inventory (NPI-Q) which is a validated clinical instrument for the evaluation of psychopathology and Functional Activates Questionnaire/ Functional assessment Questionnaire FAQ-IADL to assess activities of daily living are also being employed for the participants attending the clinic. Clinical data was extracted from the medical journals, including data from the physical and psychiatric examination (phenotypes as MMSE score and age at onset (AAO)). Further, a questionnaire covering family history, life-style/environmental factors and health was used. Questions include medical and working history, leisure activities latest year, exercise information, social and family relations etc. Besides the cases, unaffected relatives have also been recruited. The family members did answer the same questionnaire and had a blood sample was drawn. The relatives were identified through the patient and through the Genealogical Database and were examined at DfAA or at their homes. Currently, 294 individuals with established or suspected dementia have been recruited, of which 257 have a confirmed diagnosis. A total of 83% (n=214) were diagnosed with AD. A total of 265 relatives have also been recruited. For each case with verified dementia diagnosis by March 2017, two controls matched by age and gender were recruited in the period from March to April and Sep to Nov 2017. The control subject living in the capital area came to the DfAA for examination while mobile clinics were established in Suðuroy, Sandoy, two places in Eysturoy, Vágar and Klaksvík and some home visits were also arranged. The control subjects answered the same questionnaires covering family history, lifestyle/environmental factors and health, they underwent MMSE and clock test and a blood sample was drawn. A total of 184 control subjects participated. However, 13 had MMSE below 24 and cannot be used as a control free of disease. As a spin-off of the current project, some new projects have emerged: 1) assessing the prevalence of undetected possible dementia in Faroes nursing homes; 2) assess the effect of environmental contaminants on dementia and 3) assessing the overall prevalence and incidence of dementia in the Faroe Islands - these assessments will be done annually and will constitute the best currently available basis for policymaking, planning and allocation of health and welfare resources in dementia care in the Faroe Islands. Project status: Liðug Project output: Vísindarligar greinar Petersen MS, Restorff M, Stórá T, Waldemar G, Joensen S. Trend in the incidence and prevalence of dementia in the Faroe Islands. J Alzheimers Dis, 2019;71(3), 969-978. doi: 10.3233/JAD-190341 Petersen MS. Assessing the prevalence of undetected possible dementia in Faroese nursing homes. Dement Geriatr Cogn Disord. 2019 Jul 18:1-9. doi: 10.1159/000501607 Framløga Impact of dietary exposure to food contaminants on the risk of dementia. PPTOX VI, Tórshavn, May 2018 Postari Impact of dietary exposure to food contaminants on the risk of dementia. AD/PD 2019, Lisbon, 2019 Almen kunning Framløgu í samband við Annual Nordic Meeting for the Alzheimer's Associations, Juni 2017 Grein í blaðnum « Gloym meg ei » Grein í Sosialinum: « Vit vita ov lítið um Alzheimers » 21. sep 2016 Almenn framløga um Alzheimer’s gransking í Føroyum fyri Alzheimers felagið, Apríl 2016 Samrøða í Dagur og Vika í samband við hesa verkætlan, 2015 << Back |
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