Year of grant: 2014 Research Area: Heilsa Project type: Verkætlan Project title: Møðis- og hvíldartíðin (recovery) í ymiskum vøddabólkum aftaná fótbóltsdystir í væltrenaðum leikarum - effektin av fleiri dystum við stuttari hvíldartíð Grant number: 0331 Project manager: Magni Mohr Institution/company: Fróðskaparsetur Føroya og Gøteborg Universitet Other participants: Dan Fransson, Jeppe Foged Vigh-Larsen, Peter Krustrup, Dr. Ioannis G. Fatouros Project period: 1.10.2014-31.12.2015 Total budget: 480.000 kr. Grant from the FRC in DKK: 218.550 kr. Project description: Original The purpose of the research project is to examine fatigue and recovery kinetics in different muscle groups from two football games separated by three days of recovery. A simulated football-specific exercise protocol will be applied in order to reduce inter-game variability. Twelve trained male football players will be recruited and will perform the Copenhagen Soccer Test (CST; see ref. 1) simulating a competitive game on two occasions (CST-1 and CST-2) separated by three days. The CST simulates the activity profile and physiological response during a football game and has been validated against competitive match-play (1). In addition, the experimental model allows for assessments of movement pattern, as well as monitoring technical and physical performance throughout the test, as well as blood sampling every 5-min of the test and obtainment of muscle samples. The players will be performance assessed (maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) and rate of force development (RFD) in different muscle groups such as core muscles (to describe core stability, for example the straight abdominal, oblique abdominal, lateral flexors and back extensors, different knee stabilizing and kicking relevant muscles (quadriceps, hamstrings) and hip stabilizing and kicking relevant muscles (hip abductors and adductors). Besides absolute values of those muscles, ratios will be calculated (quadriceps/hamstrings; hip abduction/hip adduction; side differences left and right side quadriceps and hamstrings) at baseline, after CST-1 and CST-2, as well as during the first three days of recovery from each game. Match activities will be assessed by high-time resolution GPS during the CST’s. Venous blood samples and vastus lateralis muscle biopsies will be obtained before and after each game, as well as during the recovery period, and analysed for indicators of muscle metabolism, muscle injury degree, oxidative stress markers, inflammatory response and hormonal perturbations. The results will give valuable knowledge in injury prevention, training models and recovery strategies in competitive football and similar team sports. Final The project is completed and the first paper is published in Eur J Appl Physiol, and is a collaboration study between several international universities. The paper examines effects of three football games in a week and the study was conducted in Greece. It was demonstrated that players fatigue markedly and show signs of muscle damage, oxidative stress and inflammation especally when only three days are allocated to recovery where markers of muscle damage, inflammation and oxidative stress peak. The second part was conducted in Gothenburg and applies a simulated footbakll protocol (Copenhagen Soccer Test). We show that the degree fof fatigue and recovery is muscle group specific and the responses varies markedly between players, indicating and individual fatigue and recovery response. We are currently writing a scientific paper, which we intend to submit to a journal over the summer. Project status: Liðug Project output: Publications: Mohr, M., Chatzinikolaou, A., Draganidis, D., Barbero-Alvarez, JC., Jamurtas, A., Douroudos, II., Avloniti, A., Michailidis, I., Tsoukas, D., Papassotiriou, I., Ermidis, G., Krustrup, P., and Fatouros, I. (2015). Muscle damage, inflammatory, immune and performance responses to three football games in one week in elite male players. Eur. J. Physiol. 116(1):179-93. Fransson, D., Vigh-Larsen, JF., Fatouros, IG., Krustrup, P., and Mohr, M. (2016). Fatigue and recovery in different muscle groups after a simulated football match in well-trained elite players. Manuscript in preparation. << Back |
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