Year of grant:

Research Area:
Náttúra og náttúrutilfeingi

Project type:

Project title:
Menning av førleikum til at fremja kanningar av perfluoreraðum evnum í fiski í granskarasetrinum iNOVA

Grant number:

Project manager:
Maria Dam


Other participants:
Fróðskaparsetrið, Heilsufrøðiliga Starvsstovan, Deildin fyri Arbeiðs- og Almannaheilsu og fleiri vinnufyritøkum á iNOVA

Project period:

Total budget:
1.111.710 kr.

Grant from the FRC in DKK:
648.000 kr.

Project description:
The purpose of the project is to establish analyses capabilities for compounds that are analysed be mass spectrometry in combination with chromatography in the newly established research centre iNOVA. The primary targets are perfluorinated compounds which are unintentionally released to the environment via the production of for instance membranes and surfactants used for paper/textile surface modification to prevent greasing/wetting.

The project will include the setting up of instrumentation and method for analyzing PFCs, and arrange for the training necessary for a hired hand (M.Sc.) to perform the analyses. The training will pertly be provided in the Faroe Islands, by the staff at the University of the Faroe Islands and partly by the staff at the University of Ørebro MTM Research Centre. The project will involve sampling of Faroese fish produce to be analysed, and the analyses data will tell about the concentration of perfluorinated compounds in fish. These data may be used for marketing purpose, and it is the intent of the project group, which involves even regulatory bodies, to assist the fish industry in interpreting the data also in a food-security and human health perspective. The costs for these analyses will be similar to what you have to pay a commercial laboratory for the same number of such analyses, but in addition to the analyses result we will now acquire the know-how to perform such analyses. The knowledge which is acquired will later on be possible to enhance to cover also analysis capabilities to analyse PCB and fatty acids, just to mention a few of the compounds that may be analysed on the same Mass Spectrometer tool.

Another outcome of the project will be a connection between industry and scientists at public research and governmental agencies, thereby strengthening the quality control departments of the fish industry and the research community which hopefully will be better able to offer larger modules to research cooperation with partners in other countries, for instance in EU research and development programs.

Final: Við stuðli frá Granskingarráðnum, umframt luttakandi stovnunum og virkjum og frá serfrøðingum í Svøríki, Danmark og Norra, eru kanningar av perfluoroalkyl sulfon- og karboksylsýrum (PFAS) mentar. Kanningarnar vóru gjørdar á UPLC-MS/MS við sama kanningarhátti sum á Universitetinum í Örebro, Svøríki, men á tóli, sum Vinnuframi hevur keypt til m.a. hetta endamálið, og sum í 2015 varð sett upp í Granskarasetrinum iNOVA. Kannað eru fiskasýni, sum ynskt av vinnupørtunum Faroe Pelagic: Makrel, svartkjaft, gulllaks og sild; Varðin Pelagic: Makrel; og aldur laksur frá Luna/Hiddenfjord. Kanningarnar vístu, at innihaldið av PFAS yvirhøvur var lágt, og í nógvum førum undir ávísingarmørkunum fyri tey ymisku evnini. Yvirhøvur eru kanningarúrslitini í samljóð við kanningar úr øðrum londum av samsvarandi sýnum, tó við tí undantaki, at í okkara føri er eydnast at ávísa heilt lágar nøgdir, sum bert kunnu ávísast við teimum allarbestu og nýggjastu tólunum. Granskingardeildin á Umhvørvisstovuni hevur havt verkætlanarleiðsluna undir hond og hevur framt kanningarnar. Umframt Umhvørvisstovuna hava hesir stovnar og fyritøkur luttikið í verkætlanini: Deildin fyri Arbeiðs- og Almennaheilsu, Fróðskaparsetur Føroya, Heilsufrøðiliga Starvsstovan, Faroe Pelagic, Luna/Hiddenfjord og Varðin Pelagic.

Project status:

Project output:
Vísindaligar greinar, bøkur, ritgerðir v.m.:
Heini V. Johannesen, Birgitta Andreasen, Maria S. Petersen, Jónrit Halling, Bjørg Mikkelsen, Svein-Ole Mikalsen, Maria Dam, 2016. Perfluoro alkyl substances in fish. Report on analyses of perfluoroalkyl substances in fish of Faroese origin. (Perfluorerað alkylevni í fiski Frágreiðing um kanningar av perfluoreraðum evnum í fiski av føroyskum uppruna). Environmental Agency (Umhvørvisstovan) 2016, pp. 88.

Birgitta Andreasen, Heini V. Johannesen, Anna Kärrman, Maria S. Petersen, Jónrit Halling, Bjørg Mikkelsen, Rikke B. Larsen, Debes Christiansen, Bárður Enni, Hans Pauli Joensen, Sonja Ottosen, Eyð Eidesgaard, Durita Nielsen, Rakul Mortensen, Bert van Bavel, Pál Weihe, Svein-Ole Mikalsen, Maria Dam. Implementing analyses of perfluorinated alkyl acids in fish from the marine environment in the Faroe Islands. Poster presentation at the International Conference on Arctic Science: Bringing Knowledge to Action” April 24-27, 2017 Reston, Virginia, USA.

Herumframt, er eitt minni bidrag við í hesari greinina: Clifton Dassuncao, Xindi C. Hu, Xianming Zhang, Rossana Bossi, Maria Dam, Bjarni Mikkelsen, Elsie M. Sunderland. Rapidly changing poly- and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in North Atlantic pilot whales indicate dominant contribution of atmospheric precursors to past exposures. Accepted for publication in Environmental Science & Technology. Manuscript ID: es-2017-002938.

Onnur úrslit, t.d. ikki kunngjørdar greinar, patentir, telduskipanir, frumsnið og nýggjar mannagongdir
Uppskot til faldarar/fact sheets sum lýsir PFAS innihaldi í makrel varð gjørd vegna Faroe Pelagic og Varðin Pelagic.

Almannakunngerðing uttan fyri vísindaliga umhvørvið, t.d. fyrilestrar, tíðarrit, greinar í bløðum, sjónvarp og útvarp
Almennur kunningarfundur “PFC verkætlanin” 20 novembur 2015, kl 13- 16 á iNOVA, Hoyvíksvegur 51.

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