Year of grant: 2013 Research Area: Heilsa Project type: Ph.d.verkætlan Project title: Klinisk mikrobiologi og smittusjúkur í Føroyum: smittuelvarar, antibiotiskt mótstøðuføri og kliniskar infektiónir (FAPRI-verkætlan) Grant number: 0330 Project manager: Marija Todorovic Markovic Institution/company: Landssjúkrahúsið og Syddansk Universitet Other participants: Court Pedersen, Shahin Gaini og Magnús Gottfredsson Project period: 01.09.2013-31.08.2016 Total budget: 2.645.700 DKK Grant from the FRC in DKK: 973.524 DKK Project description: Severe infections are a major cause of morbidity and mortality among hospitalised patients. An aging population, advanced therapeutic options including advanced surgery, immune-modulating therapy in inflammatory diseases, cancer therapy and immunosuppressive therapy in transplanted patients are all causes for an increase in severe infections among hospitalised patients. To offer an effective treatment for these patients detailed knowledge about the pathogen panorama and resistance patterns at a local level are needed. This knowledge can be used to tailor an effective antibiotic strategy to cover the major infectious conditions that are encountered in society and hospital. An evidence based antibiotic policy can promote more ecological antibiotic strategies, diminishing the risk of major resistance problems among common pathogens in the society. In this way it is more probable that future generations will have access to potent and effective antibiotics. There is a need of harvesting microbiological data and data on resistance frequencies among pathogens involved in human infections in the Faroe Islands. There is a need of good data on prevalence and incidence of major infectious conditions among human patients both in the adult population and in the paediatric population in the Faroe Islands. This study will focus on both microbiological aspects in human medicine and in clinical aspects in human medicine in the Faroe Islands. The study will be divided in 4 major sub-studies and a fifth genealogical study. The first two sub-studies will focus on microbiological aetiology and resistance patterns in clinical samples that are available in a large microbiological bio-bank with bacteraemia samples from the last 15 yrs in the Faroe Islands and on a prospective collection of all clinical microbiological samples and their resistance patterns in a two-year period at the same hospital. The next two sub-studies will focus on incidence, prevalence and epidemiological data on infected paediatric and adult patients treated at the National Hospital of the Faroe Islands in one retrospective study and in one prospective study, that will include all patients treated in a two-year period. Perspectives in this study are to harvest data describing microbiology in human infections, resistance patterns in important pathogens, changes in the microbiological panorama and resistance panorama over a 15 yrs period, clinical panorama concerning severe infections both concerning foci and epidemiological aspects in paediatric and adult infected patients in the Faroe Islands. Finally this will make it possible to plan and develop effective ecological antibiotic strategies tailored for infectious conditions among patients in the Faroe Islands. Another significant perspective of the study will be development of a long-term strategy to monitor the microbiology, the resistance development and the clinical panorama of infection in the Faroe Islands on a more permanent basis. Project status: Liðug Project output: Ph.d.-verkætlanin varð vard í Sjóvinnuhúsinum 28. februar 2019 << Back |
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