Year of grant:

Research Area:

Project type:

Project title:
Psoreasisgenetik i den færøske befolkning - en befolkningsundersøgelse

Grant number:

Project manager:
Gregor Jemec


Other participants:
Ole Birger V. Pedersen, Lars Erik Bryld, Charlotte Brasch Andersen, Høgni Debes Joensen og Esther Weihe

Project period:

Total budget:
784.500 DKK

Grant from the FRC in DKK:
421.000 DKK

Project description:

Genetics of psoriasis on the Faroe Islands


Psoriasis is a common immune mediated skin disease that sometimes also affects the joint. The skin lesions are itchy, scaling, elevated plaques that in the most severe cases spread all over the body. From twin studies it is known, that psoriasis is caused by both genes and environment and several genes have already been identified. The aim of the current study was to determine the occurrence and segregation of psoriasis in Faroese families. In addition, we wanted to establish a biobank that can be used for genetic studies on psoriasis. Both purposes were fulfilled and data is currently processed into publications on family studies of psoriasis.

Project status:

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