Year of grant: 2024 Research Area: FASDiNA Project type: Ph.d.-verkætlan Project title: The Faroe Islands, Small States and the Alliance Dilemma Grant number: 8110 Project manager: Heini í Skorini Institution/company: University of the Faroe Islands, Faculty of History and Social Sciences Other participants: The consortium will consist of: Hans Ellefsen, Associate Professor in Economics, University of the Faroe Islands; Flemming Splidsboel Hansen, Senior Researcher, Danish Institute of International Studies; Páll Holm Johannesen, Analyst, House of Industry Project period: 01.10.2024-01.11.2024 Total budget: 403.487 DKK Grant from the FRC in DKK: 248.610 DKK Project description: Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Western countries have been forced to reconsider their economic dependence on Russia. From the late 1970s, the Faroe Islands has adopted bilateral fishery agreements with Russia, and during the last 15 years, export to Russia has significantly increased. However, the growing economic dependence on Russia has triggered both internal and international criticism. What are the security implications of closer cooperation with Russia in a period characterised by growing great power rivalry in the region? To what extent is it possible to separate trade, economic policy and security policy? As part of the NATO alliance, what dilemmas confront Faroese authorities when economic interests and security considerations pull in different directions? Project status: Fer í gongd << Back |
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